Adam Wagner Recording Artist and Musician from Ohio

Adam now lives in San Francisco California.

Get down and dirty with the honk and stomp. Feel the music. Come to Cleveland’s best recording studio Bad Racket and discover the world of magic and dance, music and laughter, good times and good friends making amazing music together. Discover spoken word as an artform again as we make the poetry of music together.

This was my bio a few years ago:

Music I really love shares two common qualities: I get a sense of when and where the music was created and performed, and these senses transport me to other places & times. I want to hear human nature. I want to make recordings that sound like you at your best.

All of it still feels true, but I’m not recording much music these days. In fact, I’m many miles from Bad Racket’s red walls. I’m designing, building websites, and learning. For the first third of 2013 I spent most of my free time designing and building the last version of this site. The rest of the time I’m brainstorming new ways for Bad Racket to help support and grow Cleveland’s wonderful music community.

There is a sparse and mostly random sampling of things I’ve designed on, if you’d like to see what I’ve been doing. I also send an occasional tweet.

Adam Wagner

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