Free ACX Validation Plugin: Checking File Specifications Audio Books in Audacity
Getting Audiobooks to pass ACX standards for amazon and Audible can be tricky without this automated checker tool. Recently I stumbled upon
this excellent article showing how to use a plugin in Audacity to validate files for ACX Audible standards before you submit, or if your audiobook chapter files have been rejected for some reason!
What a great tool!
Don’t submit your files without first using ACX Nyquist check plugin and get your audiobook to go on the first try!
First, download audacity, and install ACX validation plugin.
Second, install the plugin via analyse> add remove plugins
Plugin will show up under Analyse > ACX Check
Highlight the whole file and Analyse to check for ACX file check if your files have been rejected by ACX for some reason.
You can also check out ACX Audio File Submission Requirements on the ACX website using your Amazon Account as a log in.
You can see if you files are over Peak Level and RMS level as well as noise floor etc.

Checking Audiobooks files in Audacity is easy with the Free ACX Check Plug-in!