Sunburn in March.
We’ve been spending some time on the Bad Racket roof top, which is usually safe in March, but not this year. This year you finish up the last of the Cleveland IPA keg and forget that 80 degrees and ginger skin means put on some damn sunblock. Aside from this little misstep we’ve been having an amazing month…
Two Hand Fools got an invite to do a 7” split with Boston based Ridgemont. They recorded some new material which should be pressed into vinyl in a few weeks. Ty Kellogg recorded a full album in one day, the man is a machine, and he’s working hard in the folk belt of Geauga county. Sleepless Zine, a new Cleveland based metal print magazine released it’s first issue this month with distribution all over the country. In conjunction with the zine release, Sleepless issued a mix tape on cassette, which James mastered at Bad Racket. Metal fans should check out Sleepless, it’s a bad ass little magazine with a lot of potential. James has also been working on the Xela Cutty album this month, a Jazz inspired alternative project which releases at the grog shop in April, check for details. There are two other notable projects that Adam has been working on for a while that just got finished up this month too: Lost Jon & The Ghosts, and The Great Lakes Pipe Band. It’s been a really crazy month, and it isn’t even over yet.
THIS FRIDAY March 23rd! Black Taxi @ Euclid Tavern
We’re shooting the next ‘live from’ video with Black Taxi, from Brooklyn. Before they leave town they’re playing a set at The Euclid Tavern 9pm, no cover. seriously. come thirsty… this is a very special occasion.

The Black Shades first jumped on our radar when we were putting together the lineups for Brite Winter. They’re from kentucky, they’re awesome dudes and they hung around to shoot a video with us last time they were in town. This is the first time that we’ve featured a group on the series that was not from Northern Ohio, and we couldn’t be happier about how things have gone. Check them out, they’re doing good things with their machines. As always we’re featuring new bands every month, if you want to make a recommendation for who we should feature in the future shoot a message over to play at badracket dot com
Coming Up: JUNE 7th THADDEUS A. GREENE Album Release At Bad Racket.
We’re still working on the forecast for our summer music scheduling, the first announcement is that we will be hosting the CD Release for Thaddeus’ debut album on June 7th, at Bad Racket Recording Studio in Ohio City. A LOT of us have been looking forward to this for a while. Put it on your calendar, You’re not going to want to miss this show.