Pro Tools 11 at Bad Racket Recording Studios

Pro Tools 11

Bad Racket now uses the latest……… Pro Tools 12

Bad Racket uses Pro Tools as well as other software and analog equipment to make recordings. Now you can use almost anything to make recordings. A microphone can be used to make a recording. Can a shovel be used to make recordings? No it cannot. We recommend and industry standard DAW like Pro Tools 11. I’m going to make a rap albums called Pro Tools and my rap name will be Pro Tools as well. We will record onto tape without the use of a computer and it will cost a million dollars.

An Industry Standard Recording Tool

Pro tools has been an industry standard from Digidesign aka AVID since 1989. Now nerds everywhere were going nuts over this stuff, back in the late 80s and 90s when home recording studio craze caught on. It has standard tools such as knife, cowbell, and organ / piano, but you must also have an iLok. There are different systems such as LE (limited Edition) HD (Seriously?) and M-Powered. and SE (the most basic version). It works on Mac OSX or Windows computers.

Recording Turned Pro

Pro tools does not make you a Pro. In fact, a lot more goes into a record than can be attributed to Pro Tools. Many great amazing records have been made with Pro Tools. But many amazing paintings have been made with oil paints, but that does not make anything anyone makes out of oil paints amazing. Now with more features!

We have industry standard recording gear to make your professional recording experience the best it can be.

Contact the studio if you’d like to discuss a personal plan for your project #contact us